The Nursing Shortage Is at Crisis Levels

Nursing Shortage Covid - Medical Malpractice - Negligence

From truckers to construction workers to grocery store clerks to nurses, mentioning that the front-line workers have “stepped up” during the pandemic is an understatement. Front-line workers have had to deal with issues such as burnout and fatigue while still being required to remain professional and perform their tasks to the best of their ability.…

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Samantha Dos Santos Named Co-Chair of Public Service Committee

Samantha Dos Santos, Associate with Plaxen Adler Muncy, P.A., was recently named Co-Chair of the Public Service Committee under the New Lawyers’ Division (NLD) of the American Association for Justice (AAJ) for the 2021-2022 year. As Co-Chair, Dos Santos works closely with the NLD’s Executive Board, assisting with the creation and implementation of community-based projects…

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Coronavirus Liability Shields Are a Mistake

Coronavirus liability shields

Medical errors take the lives of thousands of patients each year; even greater numbers of patients are injured. When hospitals are responsible for causing patient harm, they may attempt to cover it up to avoid being held liable for the harm they caused. Recently, legislators have been discussing liability shields for hospitals and medical personnel…

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Waymo Moves Forward with Fully Autonomous Ride-Hailing Vehicles

Waymo Moves Forward with Fully Autonomous Ride-Hailing Vehicles

Waymo emerged from the search engine giant, Google, in 2016. The company is now on the verge of delivering the autonomous vehicle experience to city residents. On Oct. 8, the company announced it is providing fully driverless cars to a 50-mile area of Phoenix, AZ for ride-hailing purposes. So far, only 5 to 10 percent…

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What Is Pediatric Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome (PMIS)?

Pediatric Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome

Outbreaks are often described as “U” shaped: they are most dangerous to the very young, and to the very old. The coronavirus has been the exception, because its victims have largely been elderly and immunocompromised. Kids, it appeared, were not dying – a small silver lining to an otherwise tragic story. However, the Centers for…

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High Pressure Sales Tactics Lead to False Imprisonment Allegation

Ms. Schlehuber has filed a lawsuit against Al Packer’s White Marsh Ford in Baltimore County Circuit Court, claiming the dealership held her and her 3-year-old grandson against their will. Ms. Schlehuber’s lawsuit alleges that in December 2019, she purchased a used vehicle which needed additional work, and the additional work was never done. The dealership…

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