Underride Crashes and Underguard Requirements

Underride Crashes and Underguard Requirements feat

Truck underride accidents are among the most serious types of accidents that occur on roadways. An underride accident occurs when a vehicle (usually a standard passenger vehicle) slams into the back or side of a tractor-trailer and continues sliding underneath the rig – causing severe, debilitating injuries or fatalities. Every year in the United States,…

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Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) and Blunt Force Trauma

Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a type of pulmonary edema that is non-heart related (non-cardiogenic). The disease moves quickly and occurs in persons who are critically ill due to various causes, including blunt force trauma. The serious challenge associated with ARDS is the buildup of fluid as it leaks into the lung, making it…

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What Is Pediatric Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome (PMIS)?

Pediatric Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome

Outbreaks are often described as “U” shaped: they are most dangerous to the very young, and to the very old. The coronavirus has been the exception, because its victims have largely been elderly and immunocompromised. Kids, it appeared, were not dying – a small silver lining to an otherwise tragic story. However, the Centers for…

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Can You Get Kicked Off of Social Security Disability?

Can You Get Kicked Off of SSD

In the majority of cases, claimants of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits or Supplemental Security Insurance (SSI) will receive these benefits for many years, even decades. Any disruption of these benefits when they are desperately needed can be devastating, but there may be times when your benefits can be pulled, such as in the…

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Wrongful Death Claims vs. Survival Actions

Wrongful Death vs. Survival Actions

When a family loses a loved one due to the negligence of another party, they suffer grief that is often unexplainable. In addition to pain, the loved one’s passing can bring about a difficult financial situation for the surviving family members. These difficulties can include unpaid medical bills, a major loss of income, and funeral…

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Understanding and Diagnosing Neonatal Brain Injuries

Understanding and Diagnosing Neonatal Brain Injuries

When a child suffers brain damage during pregnancy or birth, they can experience lifelong disability and severe injuries. Often, brain and birth injuries occur due to a lack of oxygen to the fetus, causing destruction of brain cells. Brain damage can be severe or mild, sometimes necessitating full-time medical care. Many parents of newborns with…

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