What Happens if I Can Never Return to Work?

 If you suffered a severe injury at work, where you’re no longer able to go back to any kind of employment, you’re entitled to permanent total disability, which is where the workers’ compensation insurance company has to pay you for the rest of your life. Now because they don’t want to do that, they’re…

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Workers’ Compensation Benefits in Maryland for Police and Firefighters

Maryland firefighters and police have access to extensive benefits and protections in the event they suffer work-related injuries or illnesses. These first responders are constantly facing high levels of risk on the job that threaten their physical safety and well-being. These risks also occur during activities such as maintenance and training. The Maryland Workers’ Compensation…

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Workers’ Compensation for Lifting Injuries on the Job

Many workers across many different industries are required to lift objects at some point during a work day. Human beings lift objects every day as a part of daily living, however not everyone observes the correct form when they are lifting, or they attempt to lift something that is too heavy, and this can lead…

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 There are two disability programs that you may be entitled to. The first is Social Security Disability, which is based on your earnings record; what you’ve paid into the system through payroll taxes while you’re working. The second is SSI, which is a needs-based program for people that don’t necessarily qualify for Social Security…

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What If My Work Injury Was My Fault?

The biggest question I get when people call, or when they ask me about workers’ compensation, is they say, “Well I got hurt at work, but it was my fault, so I can’t get workers’ compensation.” That’s a misconception that I really want to stop people from having because that’s the whole point of workers’…

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I Got Hurt Driving Home from Work. Is This a Work Injury?

  If you get hurt while you’re driving either to work or home from work, generally that’s not going to be a covered workers’ compensation claim. It’s called the “going and coming rule,” which means when you’re going to and coming from work, you are not generally covered by workers’ compensation. However, there are exceptions…

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David Muncy Honored by the Maryland Association for Justice

Plaxen Adler Muncy attorney David Muncy was honored for his service with the Maryland Association for Justice (MAJ) when he was awarded the Section of the Year award for his leadership of the New Lawyer’s Section. The New Lawyer’s Section strives to engage new lawyers who represent injured persons through educational as well as social…

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