Injuries from Power Tools

Maryland Power Tool Injury Attorneys

Help for victims of injuries from defective tools and products

Consumers use power tools both at home and in the workplace. And when they do, they expect them to work properly, as advertised, and as expected. However, if a defective power tool makes its way onto store shelves and into the hands of a customer, it can malfunction and cause serious injury – even when used as instructed. Many people have suffered serious lacerations, injuries, and even loss of fingers or other body parts due to defective power tools.

If you or a loved one suffered injury from a defective power tool, the Maryland product liability attorneys at Plaxen Adler Muncy, P.A. can help. Defective product cases can be complex and involve multiple at-fault parties. Our attorneys work to hold all the right people and entities responsible, and seek the proper compensation for your pain and injuries. Call our offices today.

Power tool safety and statistics

Widely reported statistics show that power tool accidents are responsible for over 400,000 emergency room visits each year. In fact, Forbes reports that the top ten most dangerous power tools are:

1.       Power nailers/nail guns

2.       Chainsaws

3.       Table saws

4.       Snowblowers

5.       Circular saws

6.       Riding lawnmowers

7.       Power drills

8.       Backhoes

9.       Air compressors

10.     Wood chippers

Sometimes accidents and injuries happen due to inexperience or misuse of a power tool. However, other times, a power tool may have a hidden defect that causes a tool to malfunction, even when the user is operating the tool properly. Our Maryland attorneys get to the bottom of why your injuries occurred and hold the right parties accountable.

What are some common types of power tool defects and injuries?

If a faulty power tool malfunctions, especially while in use, it can cause serious or catastrophic injury to a consumer or worker. Often, these defects can be traced back to a flaw in design, manufacturing, marketing, or maintenance/repair. Common power tool defects include:

  • Inadequate safety labels or warnings
  • Lack of safety guards
  • Loose fittings on hydraulics or air-powered tools
  • Malfunctioning safety switches
  • Tools inherently unsafe in design

Depending on the nature of the accident, a variety of serious injuries can happen to the user, including:

  • Broken bones
  • Burns
  • Cuts and lacerations
  • Electrical shock injuries
  • Eye injuries
  • Loss of limb
  • Puncture wounds
  • Wrongful death

Because power tools tend to have sharp edges, moving parts, and powerful motors, they can cause physical harm in the blink of an eye. Even the smallest defect can cause the most serious of injuries. At Plaxen Adler Muncy, P.A., we do not take these matters lightly, and will fight to ensure manufacturers are held accountable for the injuries you have experienced.

Who is liable for my Maryland defective power tool injury?

If a power tool has an inherent design flaw or a manufacturing defect, there may be nothing you can do to prevent an injury, even if you are the most experienced user in the world. However, you may have relief under the law in the form of a product liability claim. This action can be taken against one or many parties, including the designer of the product, the manufacturer, wholesaler, or retailer.

There are three types of product defects under a product liability claim:

  • Design defects. These are flaws or mistakes that are built into the design of the product, making it inherently dangerous from the beginning. Using a power saw as an example, a saw designed without safety guards would most certainly be considered a defective design.
  • Manufacturing defects. Even if the power tool had a safe design, if something goes wrong in the manufacturing process, the results can cause a defective and dangerous product. One example of this would be power saws manufactured with loose blade guards.
  • Marketing and labeling defects. If a manufacturer or seller does not provide a consumer with the proper information to operate and maintain the power tool, this can also be considered a defect. An example of this would be failing to inform the consumer how to safely replace blades on their power saw.

Our attorneys investigate your accident, examine the tool that caused your injuries, and track down exactly where and how the defect occurred. We are on your side.

How do I prove my power tool injury claim?

At Plaxen Adler Muncy, P.A., we help you prove your injury claim by working to show the following:

  • The manufacturer, wholesaler or retailer had a legal duty to make and sell a safe power tool to consumers
  • They breached that duty to keep you safe through their negligence
  • That negligence directly caused your injuries
  • Your injuries resulted in losses and compensable damages

It should go without saying that power tool manufacturers have a duty to do everything possible to prevent their products from causing injury to their users. It is our job to hold them accountable when they fail.

The most successful product liability claims rely on strong evidence. When you suffer injury from a defective power tool, take the following into consideration to begin building your claim immediately (after seeking medical attention, of course):

  • Photographs. Take as many photos as you can of the tool that caused your injury, as well as the area where it occurred. Additionally, take pictures of your injury and the clothes you were wearing at the time. The more information you have, the better. Continue to photograph your injuries as you recover. Do NOT throw out the faulty power tool, its packaging, receipts, or any power cords you used along with the tool.
  • Witnesses. If anyone was with you when you were injured, like family or co-workers, ask them to write down what they saw, as they can corroborate your story.
  • Medical expenses. Save all your medical bills, records, and expenses. Our attorneys will need them when determining the amount of compensation to which you are entitled.
  • Lost wages. If you need to take time off work to recover, ensure you keep track of this, as these economic losses also count toward financial compensation in a product liability claim. Further, if you were injured on the job, you may be eligible to file a workers’ compensation claim.

Talk to our law firm today to find out more.

Experienced Maryland power tool injury attorneys

If you have suffered a serious injury from a defective power tool, do not settle for less than you deserve. The attorneys at Plaxen Adler Muncy, P.A. understand how to structure a personal injury claim and will work to hold the responsible parties accountable for your injuries and damages. We are in your corner. To learn more, or to schedule a free consultation, please call 410-730-7737 or fill out our contact form.